This was one of my MOST FAVORITE senior sessions I think I've ever done. This empress was up for anything, including donning her homecoming gown and hopping in the Poudre River for pictures. She was utterly professional and so sweet- I couldn't have asked for a better model for my crazy photography ideas!
Here's a little tip for anyone looking for some beginner girls' senior photography help: with senior girls, prioritize the hair as much as you possibly can. If she's got short hair, pull it out from her ears and brush it away from her face lightly and in layers. If she's got long hair, BRING IT FORWARD!!
These are both SOC. The one on the left will still work because you can see the back of her hair behind her shoulder (meaning it doesn't just disappear altogether), but look how much fuller her hair looks when it's forward and framing her face! I often feel like I'm working with two subjects when I'm working with senior girls photos: the body/face pose, and the hair. Hair is important.
Be sure to check out the rest of my beautiful seniors in my gallery here: